
P.O Box 167 Songhor.

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0722 517 933

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water & sanitation company

Giving back through life changing experience

Hands water


  • Uphold transparency, professionalism and accountability.
  • Protect the legal existence and independence of the company to discharge its mandate.
  • Institutionalize monitoring and evaluation to keep track of performance in the company.
  • Provide information to consumers and stakeholders transparently.
  • Promote innovation to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in service provision.
  • Handle clients with dignity and, courtesy and respect.

Water is life's matter. There is no life without water.

Why Choose Us


TACHWASCO experienced a major setback in the year 2018. Kamelil, a major scheme with the highest number of connections experienced landslides throughout the year. The scheme had a total of 503 connections but only 230 connections had water the rest could not get because the mainline pass through land slide prone area. This slightly reduced revenue collection from Ksh.2,043,961 in 2017 to Ksh. 1,910,237 in 2018.

503 connections

Our Services

What Service We Offer

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Pricing Plan

Affordable Pricing Plans

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Client Testimonial

We Are Trusted Over 12+ Countries Worldwide

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